
MedicalTalentNetwork Mitgliedschaft - Recruiting im Abo

Ihre Möglichkeiten für modernes, kostensparendes Recruiting

Preismodelle MTN Mitgliedschaft

Wählen Sie das für Sie passende Abopaket
Unsere Abo-Modelle bieten Ihnen die passende Lösung für eine nachhaltige Personalsuche im Gesundheitswesen. Wählen Sie das Modell, das Ihre Anforderungen optimal unterstützt.

MTN Basis

190 € / Monat*

Steigern Sie die Sichtbarkeit Ihrer Stellenanzeigen und gewinnen Sie qualifizierte Bewerbungen – flexibel, kosteneffizient und DSGVO-konform!

  • Spiegeln der Stellenanzeigen
  • Bewerbungen direkt in Ihr Bewerber-Management
  • Hohe Reichweite durch gezielte Social Media Kampagnen
  • DSGVO-konform
  • Unbegrenzte Anzahl und Laufzeit der Stellenanzeigen

MTN Insights

390 € / Monat*

Ihre datengestützte Recruiting-Lösung für effizientes Recruiting mit präzisen HR-Statistiken, Kostenanalysen und medienübergreifenden Performance-Einblicken.

  • Umfassende HR-Statistiken
  • Alle Features des Basis-Abos
  • Medienübergreifende Datenanalyse
  • Detaillierte Performance Analyse
  • Einfache Integration

*Die Mindestlaufzeit der Mitgliedschaft beträgt 12 Monate.
 Zzgl. einmalige Einrichtungsgebühr.

MTN Einführungstext


Pricing for the Basic Membership (Publishing all job postings from your career page on MedicalTopJobs®

190 € + MwSt. / Month / Location 

Request by email


1.900 € + MwSt. / 12 Month / Location

Request by email


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Reduce your recruitment marketing costs permanently and elevate your job postings to a future-proof level with a Basic Membership in the MedicalTalentNetwork. Publish all your job listings on MedicalTalentNetwork for a fixed price and make your career page the focal point of your recruitment marketing strategy. Take advantage of this alternative to traditional job advertisements and benefit from the reach of a large and ever-growing network with these benefits


Benefit 1: Applications go directly into your applicant tracking system
Candidates can apply directly on your career page from MedicalTalentNetwork—without the need to register with third-party platforms. Applicant data remains secure and protected in compliance with European data protection regulations, which is particularly appealing to those who value privacy. This increases the likelihood of receiving more qualified applications.


Benefit 2: Target group – healthcare professionals
MedicalTalentNetwork is tailored to all professional groups in healthcare: nurses, doctors, therapists, administrative staff, as well as IT specialists, digitalisation experts, AI specialists, and management. Job offers for these target groups are actively promoted on social media via programmatic advertising.


Benefit 3: Unlimited number of job postings
All job postings from your career page are mirrored 1:1 in MedicalTalentNetwork via an interface and published in real-time. You only pay the monthly or annual Basic Membership fee per location, regardless of the number of job postings. This way, you maintain cost transparency without any additional effort for publishing your job offers.


Benefit 4: No time limit on your job postings
The job listings published through your Basic Membership in MedicalTalentNetwork do not have a set duration, other than the listing on your own career page. When a job posting ends there, it is automatically removed from the network. This ensures that only your current job offers are visible, without you having to manage expiry dates.


Benefit 5: Mobile-optimised display of your job offers
Your job listings are presented in a mobile-optimised overview and can be found quickly using the instant text search. Candidates are directed straight to your career page, ensuring compatibility with various mobile operating systems, such as Android and iOS.


Benefit 6: High reach through targeted social media campaigns and programmatic advertising
MedicalTalentNetwork makes your job offers visible to your target audience through targeted social media campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Using programmatic advertising, large data sets and algorithms are utilised to develop the most effective strategies for audience targeting, increasing the relevance of your job listings for users.


Benefit 7: GDPR compliance and no data sharing with third parties
Your job offers are mirrored 1:1 without collecting or passing on data to third-party providers. Applicant data is also not collected when they apply for your positions. Our strict data protection policies ensure this.


Benefit 8: Flexible, easy to book, cost-optimised, and cancellable at any time
Your Basic Membership with MedicalTalentNetwork offers both cost efficiency and time savings. You can easily book your membership here and choose between monthly payments via SEPA direct debit or annual payments with a discount. Our IT team checks in advance whether your job offers are eligible for mirroring on MedicalTalentNetwork—no action is required on your part.

Pricing for the Basic Membership (Publishing all job postings from your career page on MedicalTopJobs®)

190 € + MwSt. / Month/ Location

Request by email


1.900 € + MwSt. / 12 Month / Location

Request by email


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